Thursday, March 27, 2008

We are very excited to announce our fifth child will be a GIRL. Anne-Marie is so excited that we will have more girls than boys in the house. Caroline was quite disappointed that Karen wasn't going to have twins (Dora the Explorer's mommy had both a boy and a girl). William didn't have much expression to give, but when asked he said he wanted a brother. It will take Alden some time before he will come to appreciate his Irish twin. We are still working on the name, but I am sure we will stay in the English family. We feel so blessed by the Lord for this little one, even though in anticipation of her arrival we are having to make lots of preparation (remodeling our house, purchasing a new vehicle for 5 car seats, schooling, etc.). I am sure she will be worth it all!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Celebration

We all had a big time celebrating Christ's resurrection this year. We felt blessed that we were all feeling well after a long battle of sickness in our family. We had a big day at the zoo on Good Friday and enjoyed preparing an Easter meal with friends on Saturday. It was so good to ponder again on Sunday Christ's resurrection and its impact on our lives. Here are some pictures of the kids in their "special" Easter clothes.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Good Good Friday

Since the death of Jason's grandmother and a quick, long road-trip with ill children we were really needing a fun family day. We had a wonderful time at the zoo looking at the animals, eating a picnic lunch, and of course, riding the carousel. This was a real treat to have dad with us.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Poor Baby Alden

For the past three weeks our family has been plagued with sickness. It has varied from upper respiratory infections to the flu. Jason is the only one that has managed to escape the ongoing illnesses. Most recently, little Alden has been the one that has been suffering the most. He received an upper respiratory infection with pink eye as secondary infections from the flu. He was doing better, but severely scratched the top layer of skin on his eye. Apparently, Alden rubbed his eye because of the discomfort he had from pink eye and did some serious damage. The pediatric ophthalmologist said it will take about 5 days to heal. Here are some pitiful pictures of his condition.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Let it Snow Part 2

The first week in March we enjoyed our biggest snow yet, about 12 inches. The kids had such a big time playing in it and making snow angels. It took Jason and Karen a while to dig the driveway out, but the entire family enjoyed the drive seeing the winter wonderland. It was fun, but we all are hoping spring in on her way!